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The Process

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New Flyer Commits to a Peaceful Union Election. Join IUE-CWA with Confidence!

IUE-CWA has entered into an agreement with New Flyer, which allows workers to join our union without any coercion or confrontation from management. Once a simple majority of workers sign up to join together into our union, management has agreed to immediately recognize our union and bargain a union contract. Here is a Q and A on this process:

Q. What is New Flyer’s official position on the union?  
Management is taking a “positive” approach to our decision on whether or not to join together into a union. They will not interfere or oppose our right in any way. New Flyer has trained all their managers to be completely neutral on your right to organize.

Q. Can I get in trouble for signing a card?  
Absolutely not. Federal law protects your right to organize and sign a card. And although it is best if you publicly support your union, the card is confidential. Additionally, New Flyer has signed a legally binding agreement to be neutral throughout this process.

Q. Can a manager try to convince us not to sign a union card? Even “off the record?”  
No. Managers or supervisors CANNOT try to convince you not to join or sign a card. Even if they say this is “off the record” or “between us,” this is a violation of the agreement. Supervisors must be strictly neutral. If this happens to you or a coworker, reach out to an organizer.

Q. If I have a question about the union, should I go to a manager or supervisor?  
No, supervisors or managers have been trained to refer you to a union rep if you have questions about the union. Reach out to an organizer and they can get you in touch with a worker from Jamestown or Shepherdsville.

Q. What if a supervisor violates neutrality?  
New Flyer and our union are committed to this process of neutrality. If there is any violation, no matter how minor, there is a neutral third party that the company and our union have agreed to work with who will settle any violations. It would not be advisable for any manager to violate neutrality. If a supervisor violates neutrality contact Eric at or at 347-820-1583.

Q. Why did New Flyer agree to this process?  
New Flyer is a unionized company, in both Canada and in the U.S. (Kentucky, New York, and Minnesota); New Flyer has chosen to take a high road labor path, to work with unions and local community groups to chart a new course for labor peace. New Flyer recognizes that a partnership with our union helps grow their business. We agree that a union at all New Flyer facilities will help New Flyer to prosper and grow. A New Day at New Flyer!

Q. If I sign a union card, am I also joining JMA (Jobs to Move America)?  
No. JMA has nothing to do with a union contract or your union vote. This is a vote to join IUE-CWA for the right to collectively bargain a union contract.

Q. What is the process to win a union here?  
Our union and management have agreed to a very simple process for organizing. Once a majority of workers here at this plant sign Union Authorization Cards (either electronic or paper cards), our union will submit the cards to a neutral third party who will count the cards, and cross check the cards with a list of eligible employees. Once that neutral third party verifies that a majority of the eligible employees signed the cards, New Flyer workers here will successfully organize their union.

Q. Who is eligible to join the union? 
All regular full time and part time employees in production, material handling, maintenance and quality assurance.

Q. What happens after we win our union?  
Once we win, all eligible workers will elect a bargaining committee that will sit down across the table from management to negotiate a union contract. This bargaining team will first create a bargaining survey, so all workers have a say in their contract.

Q. What if we cannot agree on a union contract?  
If we are unable to secure a contract within 90 days, we can ask an outside arbitrator (like a judge) to help us settle the contract. This is similar to the process that police and firefighter unions use. This arbitrator can impose a contract similar to our current union contract in Minnesota if we are unable to reach an agreement with New Flyer. It is therefore likely our contract will be similar to the contract our union just secured in Minnesota, which included a number of improvements and raised wages significantly. (See Union Difference Flyer for more details).

Q. This seems too good to be true.  
It is true!

Q. I want to help build my union, what can I do?  
The union is strong when members step up and participate. So, we encourage anyone to get involved right now and join the organizing committee. Email or text Eric at 347-820-1583 if you have questions.